Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day

My sweet Jonah is growing and changing every day. Just 3 days ago he pulled himself up for the very first time!! He is learning so many new things. His most recent discovery is how to manage with little to no sleep. I LOVE to sleep, so I am not a big fan of the no sleep approach to life. David faithfully walks him around the family room at bedtime (what's that?) but Jonah somehow manages to stay awake. Even if he does give in and go to sleep, he knows when he is being put down and is immediately alert. Oh bed, I miss you so much!!!!!!!


Erin T. said...

Hilarious! At least you haven't lost your sense of humor!!!

momofkrit said...

Uhmm...sorry about that...sometimes babies are not interested in following normal cycles!! I'd say it gets better,'ve signed up for the long hall. Learn to love coffee...