Last night, Jonah fell asleep around 9:30. David and I sat down to watch some Sunday night football. After doing some Sudoku, we decided to head to bed. It's about 11:15. I feel the urgent need to nurse and so I debate should I or shouldn't I. (Of course, you know that if I had decided to just pump, Jonah would have woken up right after I had sealed and labeled the bag and put it in the freezer. ) I decide to go for it. We get Jonah, who was VERY sleepy, and I begin to nurse. All is going well, until he decides to wake up. OK, isn't the nursing supposed to knock them out? Let's just say I wore a path in the upstairs hallway, after having to close all the doors to keep nosy Jonah from peering in. He finally goes to sleep!! YES!!!!!!!
Lay him down in his bed and start to climb into bed. He begins to stir. He isn't quite awake, but he keeps raising his head and looking around. Then he gets an his hands and knees and begins to rock back and forth. A new skill he learned. This continues for about 15 minutes (I am watching from the rocking chair). Finally, with one last look around he drops flat and is asleep. TOO CUTE!!! I continue to sit there and use the time to thank God for the blessing of this special child. Silence in the room at last. Climb into bed convinced that he will sleep until morning. It is now after 1 AM.
I'm awake. Pick up my very unhappy child and take him downstairs to change him, because I forgot to refill my upstairs supply of diapers. Down comes Ike who will go outside to patrol in any weather at any time. Change Jonah and wait for Ike. Let Ike in and sit down to nurse. Turn on the TV and begin to watch and replay of the Mets and the Phillies ( FYI: the Mets won).
Jonah nurses but decides to NOT go back to sleep. So we sit down and play. Down comes Pippin who wants to go outside. Out go Pip and Ike. In come Pip and Ike. Mommy and Jonah play. Around 5:30 Jonah wants to be held, so I move to the couch where I rock him. He goes back to sleep around 5:50. I take him up to bed. Passing David in the hallway who was headed downstairs for breakfast, I tell him not to wake me for my morning workout - much too sleepy. My head hits the pillow (I think) and I'm asleep.
On a positive note, he did sleep until 9 :40. He is now rolling ALL over the study and even managed to open one of David's cabinets. TIME TO BABYPROOF!!!!!!!!!!! Have to go!
bigger hugs
14 years ago
Oh man do I ever remember nights like that with Aubrie!!! They were awful! I can't believe he is already opening drawers...yikes! You have a lot of baby-proofing to do!!! Miss you tons!
Are you CRAZY letting him in Dave's study?? You better put glass on those bookshelves remember that babies favorite pastimes is taking off ALL the books on the bookshelf. Good luck with that. My advice: NEVER wake a sleeping baby. :-)
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