Friday, November 7, 2008


As I sit here and blog, my son is screaming from his room. He is desperately in need of a nap. I put him down and he has been voicing his displeasure since. Anyhow, Jonah is really starting to get into things. He, like his older cousin Aubrie, likes the dishwasher. He just climbs right on up when it is open.

We had another haircut today. I think that's 5. His hair grows quite fast. GOODNESS! We almost needed to braid it. Good thing swimming's over - he would have had to wear a baby swimming cap!

We are slowly getting the hang of going to sleep on our own. Albeit reluctantly. It has been a very long 10 days for David and myself. it really breaks your heart. Every fiber of your being wants to go pick him up and rock him to sleep. UGGHHHH! It's SOOO hard.

Cruising the furniture is a new skill, along with going down the step into the family room. He goes down very slowly and carefully. He has also discovered the dogs food, their water bowl - he LOVES water - how to flush the toilet, opening and closing doors and pushing the sliding screen door open if it's not latched. He has even managed to sneak onto the back porch. They are super fast little crawlers. Oh, and we are learning the "if I drop it mommy picks it up" game. Great fun. Especially with the binkie. He keeps me busy all day long. But he's so much fun. I love him to pieces.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

All done

I consider myself to be a patriotic person. I love America and am proud to be an American. Having said that - I am soooo glad that election day is here and almost over. I am all done with the robo-calls, signs, and the mailers (my personal favorite; I am glad to know that both parties are firmly in the "going green" camp. No trees were harmed in the mailing of yet ANOTHER flier.) I'm all done with the party bashing and the belief that only one way is going to fix everything. It is comforting to know that we have 4 years before we have to endure this again. Now we just have to wait and see........